Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 6- Loving our Little Boy!

Mom, please hold the flash! :) Noah and the cutest squint!
"Mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys."

I love this song. We sung it at camp for years, and it brings back some of my greatest summer childhood memories. I guess I should confess that I actually want Noah to be a cowboy. I love the boots, the two-stepping, the southern manners, and the cowboy heart.  If I could change the lyrics, I'd say LET your babies grow up to be cowboys!

We have a baby picture that I have the exact look in the exact position. Noah is not TOTALLY a mini-Matt. I'm in there too!
Noah is quite the cowboy in my heart already. I know that all mom's are obsessed with their babies, so yes, I am biased but let me tell you why we are loving our little boy. Yesterday, Matt and I took Noah to the first pedi check up. This is the initial check up where they re-weigh him and make sure everything is going well since the hospital dismissal. First of all, Noah GAINED weight. Yes, when he was born he weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and lost some the first couple days while still in the hospital (which is totally normal, he was used to the placenta). When we went back, Noah weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and actually measured at 20 and a half inches. The nurse thought he probably was a squirm bug when they tried initially at the hospital to measure him, so I actually delievered a 20 and a half inch baby rather than a 20 inch baby! Who knew? Most babies don't gain weight initially, but Noah is an EATER. We constantly tell him to "slow down chief" because he acts like every meal is his last- which usually results in hiccups. These hiccups are precious. He doesn't get frustrated by them which is good, he just waits them out and keeps on feeding until they pass.

Favorite sleeping spot. I recommend one of these for all those moms to be! It's been perfect when I've napped on the couch!
They also told us Noah's heart, lungs, eyes, back, belly, and total body were looking so good. I asked her if how he had behaved these past 5 days were any indication of how our baby would be. She said that usually it was a good sign, but sometimes the babies can flip flop and become more difficult. So far, he only fusses when he is being changed, wakes up starving, and needs to burp. We are learning his different cries and figuring out his routine of choice. Mom and Dad are doing great. I'm sleeping while he sleeps and trying to nap when possible. I have a lot of energy despite the lack of sound sleep, but I also have a mom, dad, and Matt who continue to make my life easy by cooking, laundry, changing diapers, encouraging, andaffirming me.

More to come! :)

Love, Natalie and Noah

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