Monday, March 16, 2015

Snow Days Part I

Texas really saw the snow this March. These pictures are taken with my good camera on one of the snow days. I have some on my iPhone that I am obsessed with as well. It just takes me more of an effort to pull those off my phone and onto this blog

Noah adored it. He definitely cried when it melted and has asked for it to come back on many occasions. He played in it for hours.

Deacon wasn’t the biggest fan. He hates anything on his hands and feet, so the snow gear was a little stifling to say the least.

It was such a fun experience to share with our boys! I swear having two boys makes everything more fun!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Deacon Matthew- 15 months!

He has my whole heart.
Weight/Length- 24 pounds- not sure about height- we go next week to make up our 15th month appointment

Eating- Everything. He prefers to eat with a fork at all times. He doesn’t want help and would rather you hold him while he eats. This little buddy loves to be held. His favorite foods this month are pasta, sweet potato, banana, raisins, raspberries, blackberries, oranges, carrots, peas, and cookies. Yes, he claps when he sees anything sweet (cake,brownies ,cookies)coming from a mile away.  

Bedtime/Awake- Deacon sleeps from 8pm-7am. He takes a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. Something new this month is Deacon’s love for co-sleeping. Please start slapping me on the wrist- I know. This boy loves to sleep by Matt and me. I created a monster during one of our sleepless teething nights. He is the SWEETEST cuddler and I have a hard time saying no. He has been in our bed probably once a week lately.

Diapers- 4’s

His faces and smirks. I die.

 Clothes- Deacon is in 12/18 months for shirts, 12 months for pants. He has some 12/18 month pants but they are a little long.

Dislikes-  He doesn’t like to be told no. He doesn’t like when he doesn’t get his way. He is very opinionated and I love it. He gives me a run for my money. He is a climber and wants to do everything that his brother does. There is no holding back this kid. Deacon doesn’t like to have his nose wiped or face washed. Tis the season of constant runny nose, so he gets ticked quick.

Likes- The vacuum. This boy comes running if he sees me pull out the vacuum. I have to then go at turtle pace, so he can keep up. He loves to climb. We have caught him on climbing our kid’s kitchen, book shelves, cabinets, and refrigerator. He will even position toys to be stepping stools. Deacon loves kitties. Every morning he wakes up and we walk over to one of our chairs to look out our big front window to see if the neighbor’s cats are out and about. It’s a sweet routine that I cherish greatly. If we spot a kitty, he goes NUTS.

Always on the go. Walking isn't an option. He's a zombie sprinter. 

Deacon loves baths with his big brother. He loves to scoop water and pour into cups. He also loves to stir it with a fork, which I find adorable. He LOVES all belly buttons. He lifts his shirt and ours many times a day to look at it. He can identify ears, eyes, tongue, nose, belly, and belly button. He has added a handful of new words to his vocabulary this week- Ball and Trash “bash” are my favorite.

My big guy loves to give hugs and be loved on. He is super affectionate at all times and could cuddle for hours.

Favorite memories- This month was action packed. We headed to Austin and had a lot of fun quality time with some of my favorite people. We have done trips to the park, played in snow, made new friends, and learned how to be “gentle”. Hitting is a problem in this house sometimes (eeeek). I am obsessed with this little nugget. He provides so much joy and laughter in our household. He’s the best dancer I know. You will find him head bobbing and hand waving every time Taylor Swift or Veggie Tales comes on. 

Everything about this picture is perfect. His face. Noah's sprint without pants. Smudges on my oven. Life as I know it.

16 month post, snow day, and random brother pictures to come....(hopefully)