Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week 33

Along: 33 weeks

Size of baby: The baby is the size of a pineapple. This week the baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark. The peanut is rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his/her skeleton is hardening. How cool is this? The peanut can see the liquid world around him/her; feel sensation when she/he grabs a toe or sucks on a finger; taste the amniotic fluid she's/he's swallowing; and hear my heartbeat, my voice, and the grumble of my stomach.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: My guess would be around 25 pounds. We will know next Tuesday. My doctor told me that the second baby is usually bigger, so I'm wondering if I will be able to keep the weight gain to 30 this time around. We shall see!

Maternity Clothes:  I wear a mixture of both.

Gender: We will know in 5-7 weeks when this little one arrives. Matt's guess is still boy. I would guess girl.  Do we have names? Negative Ghostwriter.

Movement: Very wild. It is to the point where it startles me and can be painful. I love it.  

Sleep: I have some insomnia and wake up quite a bit, but I think some of that is due to the tax deadline and just having trouble shutting my brain down. I am hoping to catch up on some sleep this week.

What I miss: I miss having options in my wardrobe. I also miss having energy. By the end of the night, I'm pooped and just want to sit. I have a sweet little boy who wants "mama play", so there hasn't really been a lot of rest and relaxation. I have totally accepted that down time will be lacking for a while now, and I am trying to soak in these sweet moments of just me and the dood. (Matt is around too, but usually studying- homeboy has hundreds of pages of reading a week- so proud of how hard he is works).

Cravings: Fruit, salad, smoothies, Chick-Fil-A, and ice cream

Symptoms: Feeling thirsty all the time, muscle and nerve twinges, round ligament pain, and body aches.

Exercise: I'm slightly shocked, but I am still able to run/walk about four-five miles 3 times a week. I REALLY enjoy it despite the heat and extra 25 pounds. I feel so good. I think my time of retirement might be coming sooner than later though. If I have to retire tomorrow from running while pregnant, I would be totally fine. I'm proud of myself for making it this long.

Best Moment This Week:  By far, my best moment is completing the September 16th deadline Monday and not having to bring my computer home! Although home a little later than I'd like, not having to have a computer screen open and getting to watch the season premiere of Bones with Noah and Matt was AMAZING. 

1 comment:

  1. And Chik-Fil-A has sucked in another pregnant woman...I swear they put something in that stuff! :)
