Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 29

Along: 29 weeks

Size of baby: The baby is the size of a butternut squash. This week marks an important milestone in the baby's brain development: The brain has matured to the point where it can help regulate body temperature. She/he also continues to develop nerve cells in the brain.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 18 pounds as of last week. Let's say 19 this week. According to this app I have, I should gain about a pound a week from here on out. This will put me right at where I was with Noah, so I am good with it. Really, I will be fine with whatever as long as my cute #2 little baby comes out healthy.

Maternity Clothes:  I do a mixture. I just got this cute new top pictured above at Target. I'm kind of obsessed, and I think I will probably wear it at least once every couple days. It is so comfortable!!

Gender: Surprise! We cannot decide on names- boy or girl. Here is how a conversation went last night:

Me: I'll make your lunch tomorrow if you let me pick for the name of the Peanut.
Matt: Who do you think I am- Esau?

Movement: The peanut continues to dance all day long. I absolutely love it.

Sleep: I wake up a lot in the middle of the night, but I still stay in bed from 7-10 hours. The more I exercise the better I sleep.

What I miss: I miss going to the bathroom only a couple times a day rather than once every hour or so.

Cravings: Ice water, Gatorade, cottage cheese, cheese in general, fruit, salad, toasted sandwiches, peanut butter and sweets.

Symptoms: Round ligament pain, pressure, back aches, swollen digits, and insomnia.

Best Moment This Week:  My parents came into town this past weekend along with my brother. I did a post on it yesterday, so I won't' repeat myself. Summary of my post from yesterday: it was so nice to see them and my brother. My dad has all these great ideas for our yard he wants to start on when they come visit the new baby for a couple days. My mom spoiled us with some treats and Daniel entertained the dood. Matt and I are thankful that when God called us to move cities- it was still in the same state. I am looking forward to their next visit which will be Noah's birthday party. I think I am going to plan it at the beginning of October in case the peanut decides to make an early entrance. We are going to do airplane themed since Noah is obsessed with airplanes. That is all for now!

Peace, Love, and Happy Third Trimester to Me!

My sweet, sweet boy being silly, silly, silly!

Last night, as I was doing work on the couch and he was snuggling next to me- Noah pushed the computer aside and sat himself right on my lap. I cherish moments like these- I love that he still needs his mama. 

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